Friday, February 15, 2008

The best time i ever had in my life

~The best time i had was when i first went to six flages. I was about 12 or 13 years old, me and my cousins went. I couldnt believe how much fun we had we got on every ride there was there. The best part was getting on the roller coaster. At first i was so scared to get on but my big cousins made me. Befor the ride even took off i was yelling like a 5 year old girl. But once the ride started moving going up and down i had sdo much fun. the ride was over but i wanted to do it all over again. Thats when we began to get on every ride that was there. My favorite ride the giant drop. that was to much fun we went all the way up you could look over the entire park and then thats when we dropped. By the time we got home we where so tired we all just went to sleep. That was the best day ever.~

1 comment:

eneal17 said...

would you get on the rides again if you go back to six flags